BSI is pleased to announce that we have expanded our Regulatory Impact Analysis service line to include reliable environmental and social impact assessments that improve the effectiveness of stakeholder Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) analysis and communications. Our net positive analysis demonstrates the costs and benefits of environmental decisions to provide a transparent picture of performance for investors and shareholders. Learn more about our ESG Data Solution.

For decades, BSI has leveraged its proprietary economic models and frameworks to advise Departments and Ministries of Finance, Economy, Industry, and related governmental agencies in the formulation of national and sectoral energy, tax, subsidy, and investment promotion policies. Our experience across all aspects of industrial value chains, combined with our strength in economic analysis, provides clients with robust and trustworthy roadmaps for growth.

BSI is also a leading source for analysis of the economic and fiscal impact of energy policies such as carbon pricing, GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions standards, industrial air pollution standards, low-carbon fuel standards, Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS), power generation efficiency, renewable energy tax credits, and tradeable energy certificates. As a Gold member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), we are active in building organizational capacity for Environmental, Social & Governance goals across private and public sector institutions.

BSI pioneered the field of supply chain economics, having developed many of the analytical and economic methods in the early 2000s. We have used our actual experience with sourcing and supply chain optimization projects to develop accurate coefficients and multipliers for modeling the value chain impacts of investment, sales, and pricing scenarios.

We have also developed supply chain taxonomies that have been used in policy-making to quantify the impact of policy scenarios on different types of companies. Our expert policy analysis team uses these constructs to provide sound and compelling policy advice to governments worldwide.


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