

BSI is committed to the principles and practices of the UN Global Compact. Accordingly, BSI will not tolerate any of the practices listed below, and will not do business with companies whose practices are based on, support, or encourage them.

Human Rights and Labor Abuses

Forced labor

Child labor

Uncompensated working hours

Discriminatory wages and benefits

Inhumane treatment

Career limitations based on race, gender, or sexual orientation

Restrictions on association and collective bargaining

Occupational safety hazards and/or lack of emergency response capability

Lack of industrial hygiene

Environmental Irresponsibility

Material toxicity without proper environmental and safety precautions

Irresponsible or wasteful use of raw materials

Disposal of non-biodegradable materials without recycling or treatment

Design of products without end of life considerations

Excessive greenhouse gas emissions

Disposal of polluted air or water without adequate treatment, reuse and/or recycling

Wasteful energy consumption

Destruction of natural wildlife habitats


    • Engaging in business that presents conflicts of interest
    • Accepting gifts in-kind that could influence business decisions
    • Accepting bribes or kickbacks
    • Distorting accounting or business records
    • Disrespecting intellectual property and confidential information
    • Ignoring or failing to report misconduct

BSI is committed to principles and practices of Social Accountability such as those embodied in the SA8000 standard. We will not tolerate any of the practices listed below, and will not do business with companies whose practices are based on, support, or encourage them.

    • Forced labor
    • Child labor
    • Uncompensated working hours
    • Inhumane treatment including physical or mental abuse
    • Hiring, career limitations, or discriminatory wages and benefits based on race, national or social origin, caste, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political opinion
    • Restrictions on association and collective bargaining
    • Occupational safety hazards and/or lack of emergency response capability
    • Lack of industrial hygiene
    • Material toxicity without proper environmental and safety precautions

Our Commitment to the Global Reporting Initiative

BSI is committed to the principles and practices of the Global Reporting Initiative, and has taken steps to begin reporting its own social and environmental performance.

We value sustainability. We pursue the goal of no harm to people, and we aim to protect the environment. We regularly measure, manage, and report in order to:

Minimize our carbon and environmental footprint as embodied in ISO 14001 and OHSAS18001 standards

Maximize our beneficial societal impact and minimize negative externalities as identified in the UN Global Compact and the SA8000 standard

Cultivate and develop human capital at all levels, consistent with the Investors in People initiative

This year we published our carbon footprint results as the first step in the direction of global reporting. Over time, we intend to expand our reporting to include social and human impact.

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