Climate Change: How is it Changing Your Business and Investing Decisions?

New York New York, NY, United States

Climate change is at the top of the agenda nearly everywhere. How are you changing the way you run your business? The way you invest? Your lifestyle choices? This interactive workshop involving top business executives and government leaders will help align policy with business decisions.

The Critical Intersection of Clean Energy and Clean Water

Travis Loop, the Founder of waterloop, a nonprofit media outlet exploring solutions for sustainability and equity in water, interviews David Steven Jacoby at the University of Pennsylvania's Water Center's Corporate Engagement Roundtable, about the critical intersection between clean energy and clean water, and what it means for industrial companies, politicians and educators.

WQHS Radio Interview on Reinventing the Energy Value Chain

Harsha Ravindran from the University of Pennsylvania's WQHS Student Radio show Changing Reality interviews David Steven Jacoby on his book Reinventing the Energy Value Chain, why the success of the energy transition depends on strategic supply chain management, and where investors can earn the greatest return on capital employed. Dr. Waddah S. Ghanem Al Hashmi, […]

Penn Club of New York: Will We Get to Net Zero?

The Penn Club of New York invites David Steven Jacoby back again to explain the thesis and themes of his newest book Getting to Net Zero: The Complete Guide to Decarbonizing Businesses and Supply Chains. He addresses head-on the twin question of whether net zero is possible and how businesses can get their companies across […]